学問のすすめ 三編 段落四 既にその権義あれば、亦随てその職分なかるべからず

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落四でござる。







Therefore, to defend our country from foreign threats; all Japanese people, both the upper class and the lower class, the wise and the fool, the fit and the disabled, must have the spirit of independence, consider its problems as one’s own problems and fulfill obligations of the people.

English people consider England as their own country and Japanese people consider Japan as their own country. Each country’s territory is not foreign people’s land. It is each country’s people’s land. So the people should consider their country as their own home and serve it at the risk of their life and property. This is how to serve the country.

It is no doubt that the government rules the country and the people are ruled by the government. However, it is only because they share their roles for the convenience of both side. So, to maintain the national honor, we must not just rely on the government and must not be bystanders.

Whether in Japan or in England, the people who have its nationality have the rights and freedom within the country. If you already have the rights, you must have obligations as well.

Translated by へいはちろう


おそらく当時の日本人でも、国民国家(nation-state) だの社会契約だのと難しい説明をするより、「国家とは言わば一つの大きな家族である」と説明した方が解りやすかったに違いない。それが良かったのか悪かったのか、結果として「報国の大義」は国中に満ちても、「自由独立の気風」は全国に充満する事はなかった点について、もしも福沢諭吉が知ったらどう思うのでござろうか。


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