
学問のすすめ 四編 段落六 その三 日本には唯政府ありて、未だ国民あらずと云うも可なり

学問のすすめの翻訳、四編 段落六 その三でござる。







For instance, newspapers these days and petitions to the government are cases in point. Although restrictions on publishing are not so strict, there is no criticism against the government. Moreover, when the government does something good, they praise it with exaggeration, as if they were prostitutes flattering their customers.

And speaking of the petitions, their writing styles are always extremely humble as if they worshipped the government like a fierce god or they were criminals. They use hollow compliments which should not be used in equal human society and nobody feels ashamed by that. Reading such things, I cannot help but think that they are insane.

However, almost all who publish the newspapers or make the petitions are scholars of Western studies now. When I watch them in person, they are not necessarily prostitutes or insane. Nevertheless, they are incredibly unfaithful. It is because there is no person who advocates civil rights, and they are controlled by the spirit of servility, follow the spirit without thinking and cannot exercise the rights as the people.

In a word, there is only the government but not the people in Japan. So, to clear up the spirit of the people and develop the civilization, you cannot rely on the scholars of Western studies of today.

Translated by へいはちろう


福沢がここで言ってるのはいわゆる権力のチェック機構としての言論や報道の重要性でござろう。これまでに福沢が二編 段落六などで言って来たように政府と国民は対等の社会契約を結んでいる関係でござるから、相互にその契約を守る義務がある。そして政府がその義務を十分に果たしているか否かをチェックする機構が言論・出版界という訳でござる。ちなみに国民の側をチェックするのは警察やその他の役所でござるな。


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学問のすすめ 四編 段落六 その二 蓋し意の悪しきに非ず、唯世間の気風に酔て自から知らざるなり

学問のすすめの翻訳、四編 段落六 その二でござる。






As an example, almost of all scholars of Western studies have become governmental officers and only a few of them are doing their job in private sector. However, it is not because they look after their own interests, but because they were educated to aim at only the government, think that they can do nothing if they are not in the government and aspire to accomplish their longstanding ambition by relying on it.

Even a prominent scholar is no exception to this rule. Although his conduct seems despicable, you don’t have to blame his intention. It is not because his intention is bad, but because he cannot realize that he is influenced by the spirit of this country. Even a famous great person is like this, so it is natural that the people in this country follow the example.

Young students aspire to the government soon after reading a few books. Townspeople with ambition begin their business under the government’s name if they have some money. You have to get the government approval to build a school, preach a sermon, raise cattle and rear silkworms. About seventy to eighty percent of private business are related with the government. Therefore, the people in this country are increasingly influenced by the government and they worship, rely on, fear and flatter it. Nobody expresses his spirit of independence at all and I cannot endure this shame.

Translated by へいはちろう




学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。

学問のすすめ 四編 段落六 その一 必ずしも人に先って私に事を為し、以て人民の由るべき標的を示す者なかるべからず

学問のすすめの翻訳、四編 段落六 その一でござる。






In the light of these things, to develop the civilization of this country, you must clean up the spirit which is widespread among the people beforehand. To clear it up, you cannot depend on government ordinances or the people’s speech. You must conduct yourself before others and make yourself a good example for the people. But when you look for a person who can be a good example for the people, there is none in farmers, merchants or scholars of Japanese and Chinese studies. Only scholars of Western studies can fulfill the task.

However, there is also the reason that you cannot depend on these people. Recently, they have been increasing gradually. Some translate Western books and some read the translated books and they look they are doing their best. But from my point of view, they look they can only read books but cannot understand them or they can understand books but don’t have conscience to practice them, and I cannot help but suspect them.

I suspect that these scholars know there are jobs in the government but don’t know jobs in private sector and know how to succeed in the government but don’t know the way to stay in private sector. In other words, they cannot avoid bad practices of scholars of Chinese studies as if they wore Western clothes on Chinese body.

Translated by へいはちろう

今回の文を持って福沢が知識よりも実践に重きを置いていると断ずる事はできないでござるが、ここで漢学の一派である陽明学の「知行合一 (ちこうごういつ)」っぽい論調となっている所が少々面白いでござるな。初編 段落二で学問の実用性に重きを置いている点や自伝に書かれた内容から推測するに、福沢が形而上よりも形而下の問題により感心があった事は疑いないでござるが、その傾向がいつ頃に養われたものか考えると洋学の影響が原因とも言い切れない。


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学問のすすめ 四編 段落五 その二 政府威を用れば人民は偽を以てこれに応ぜん

学問のすすめの翻訳、四編 段落五 その二でござる。







For example, I cannot say that there are few good people in the government. When I hear their words and watch their deeds individually, most of them are so generous and good that I think they are not only blameless but even respectful. On the other hand, not all the commoners are spiritless and ignorant. There should be one fair, honest and good person in ten thousand.

However, when these good people gather and govern the county, I cannot appreciate a lot of their political results. And the fair and honest commoner, when he associates with the government, also compromises his principles at once and deceives the officers with lies shamelessly. Why do these good people govern the country like this and why does the good commoner become despicable like this, as if they had two heads with one body?

They are wise individually and foolish as government officers. They are intelligent when they are separated and imbecile when they gather. I must say that the government is the place which wise people gather and act as a fool. What a strange place it is. After all, I suppose that’s because they are controlled by the “spirit” and cannot exercise their individual ability. This is why the government hasn’t accomplished the developments of academic disciplines, the law and commerce since the Meiji Restoration.

Nevertheless, someone says “the government should use a tentative maneuver to control the ignorant people until they have improved their wisdom and virtue.” This should be either to compel the people to civilize or to deceive them into being good. If the government compels the people, they will respond with lies. If the government deceive the people, they will obey it only superficially. You should not call this a good idea. If you could govern the people well, there would no benefit from the standpoint of civilization. This is why I say you should not rely on only the government if you develop the civilization of the country.

Translated by へいはちろう



学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。

学問のすすめ 四編 段落五 その一 我全国の人民、数千百年専制の政治に窘められ、人々その心に思う所を発露する能わず

学問のすすめの翻訳、四編 段落五 その一でござる。







Someone says, “The government should use a tentative maneuver to control the ignorant people for a while. After they have improved their wisdom and virtue, it should make them progress to the civilization stage.” This is easy to say, hard to do.

Our people around the country had been under the control of tyrannical governments for hundreds or thousands of years. They had not been able to express their opinions, had stolen their safety by cheating and escaped punishment by lying. Cheating and lying have become their necessities for life and faithlessness has become their daily routine. Nobody feels ashamed and has doubts about it. Their sense of shame has all gone away. Under these circumstances, how on earth can they care for the country?

To solve these problems, the government has become more arrogant and been threatening and blaming the people. It has been trying to force them to be faithful. But they have been becoming more faithless on the contrary, as if it were adding fuel to the fire. Eventually, the people have been separated from the government and both of them have produced a kind of formless atmosphere respectively. The atmosphere is called “spirit” in English and you cannot change it easily.

Recently, the government has drastically reformed apparently, but its tyrannical spirit still exists. The people also has gained a few rights seemingly, but their servile and faithless spirit is still the same as before. This “spirit” is formless and invisible. So you cannot illustrate it with one person’s one deed. But its influence is very strong and you should clearly recognize its existence by seeing what goes on in the world.

Translated by へいはちろう



学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。