学問のすすめ 三編 段落三 そのニ 国を守るの一段に至てはその人数甚だ少なく、迚も一国の独立は叶い難きなり

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落三 そのニでござる。






In a thousand people, there is only one person who has ability and virtue to rule a country. If there were a country with a million people, a thousand would be wise people and the other about nine hundred and ninety thousand would be ignorant people. If the wise people ruled the ignorant people with ability and virtue, loved them as if they were children, shepherd them as if they were sheep, threatened and tamed them, and led them; the ignorant people would obey the wise people without thinking, would not commit a crime and the country might be kept in peace.

But in this way, the people would be separated into hosts and guests. The hosts were the wise people and they would rule the country as they wished. The others were the guests who knew nothing. As guests, they would rely on hosts, would not take responsibility and would not care about the country’s matter as if it were none of their business.

Within the country, this might not be a problem. But If a war with a foreign country occurred, this should be a big problem. Although those ignorant people would not turn traitors, a lot of them would think guests didn’t need sacrifice their lives to the country and they would run away. If so, even though the country had a million people, there were a very few people who fought for the country and it could not maintain its independence.

Translated by へいはちろう




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