学問のすすめ 初編 段落四 その二 愚民の上に苛き政府あり

学問のすすめの翻訳、初編 段落四 その二でござる。






To rule the ignorant people, you cannot lead them by reason, you have to threaten them by force. The Western proverb says, “There is a severe government over ignorant people.” This is not because the government is severe, but because those ignorant people cause the disaster. If there is a severe government over ignorant people, there is a good government over good people. In Japan now, there is this government because there are these people.

If the people’s morals degenerated and they became more ignorant, the government would be more severe. On the contrary, if the people learned eagerly and they knew the reasons of things and got sophisticated, the government would be more tolerant. Whether laws are severe or tolerant, depends on whether the people have morals or not. There are no people who like severe laws and dislike good government. There are no people who don’t hope that their country become rich and strong. There are no people who willingly accept an insult from foreign countries. These are natural feelings for people.

If you aspire to serve the country now, you don’t have to be anguished or worried. The important things are, to behave righteously with humanity, to learn eagerly, to have broad knowledge and to acquire wisdom and virtue according to each position. If so, the government would govern the country easily, the people would live peacefully, and they would fulfill their obligations to each other and keep the national peace together. This is the ultimate purpose of learning, that I am encouraging now.

Translated by へいはちろう




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