ちょんまげ翻訳 和英」カテゴリーアーカイブ

学問のすすめ 三編 段落七 独立の気力なき者は、人に依頼して悪事を為すことあり

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落七でござる。


第三条 独立の気力を持たない者は、他人の力を借りて悪事を働く事もある。




Article 3 – A person who doesn’t have the spirit of independence may do wrong by taking advantage of another person’s authority.

While the shogunate ruled this country, some people were forcing unreasonable deals on others with the authority of powerful feudal lords, like the Three branches of the Tokugawa clan. They lent money by using another person’s name. It was very hateful deed. If there is someone who doesn’t pay back his debt, you should bring a lawsuit repeatedly. But they were too afraid of the shogunate to make a lawsuit. So they were forcing payback with another person’s name and its power. How cowardly they were. Today I don’t hear a story of such a thing. But I wonder if there is someone who uses foreign people’s name. I don’t have any evidence and cannot argue definitely. But when I recall the past, I cannot help suspecting.

In the future, if foreign people lived in Japan freely, someone would do wrong by taking advantage of their names. It should cause a national problem. So you should not let your guard down when the people don’t have the spirit of independence even if it is convenient for you. A problem always happens unexpectedly. The less the people have the spirit of independence, the more the people flatter foreign people and sell the country. This is what I said above, “To do wrong by taking advantage of another person’s authority.”

Translated by へいはちろう





学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。

学問のすすめ 三編 段落六 そのニ 斯る臆病神の手下共が、彼の大胆不敵なる外国人に逢て、胆をぬかるゝは無理ならぬことなり

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落六 そのニでござる。






Once, while Japan was isolated and the shogunate ruled the people tightly, the obedience of the people did not cause any problems. On the contrary, it was rather convenient for the shogunate. So the officials made the people ignorant and took advantage of their obedience. But Japan trades with foreign countries now and these things cause a big problem.

For instance, when a merchant from the country went to Yokohama in order to trade with foreign countries, he would be shocked by robust physique of foreign people, their money, the size of their office and the speed of their steamship, and he would be discouraged. Then when he did business with them, he would be shocked by their sharpness. If they pressured him unreasonably, he would be not only shocked but also frightened by their pressure and would accept the big loss with knowing it was unreasonable. It would humiliate him a lot.

This is not just one person’s loss, it’s a national loss. It is not just one person’s humiliation, it’s a national humiliation. You may think this is absurd. But the common people’s nature transmitted from generation to generation cannot change in a short time. Because they had been reproached by sumurais, scolded by the courts, they had been humble even to the lowest foot soldiers and their spirits have been rotten at the core. It is understandable that such coward people get frightened by bold foreign people. This is the proof that a person who cannot obtain the position of independence domestically also cannot claim the right of independence internationally.

Translated by へいはちろう




学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。

学問のすすめ 三編 段落六 その一 内に居て独立の地位を得ざる者は、外に在て外国人に接するときも亦独立の権義を伸ること能わず

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落六 その一でござる。


第二条 国内で独立した地位を得る事ができない者は、国外で外国人と接する時にもまた独立の権利を主張する事はできない。




Article 2 – A person who cannot obtain the position of independence domestically also cannot claim the right of independence internationally.

A person who doesn’t have the spirit of independence certainly depends on others. A person who depends on others is certainly afraid of them. A person who is afraid of others certainly flatters them. A person who is always afraid of others and flatters them accustoms himself to do it little by little and comes to be shameless. He cannot say anything when he should say and can only bow to others. This is what is called, “Habit is second nature.” And you cannot mend your habits easily.

In Japan now, the common people are allowed to have their family name and to ride on horses. The courts’ treatment of them has changed and they are treated equally as samurais apparently. But their habits haven’t changed drastically. The common people’s nature is the same as before. Their speech and manners so humble that they cannot deliver an opinion in front of superiors. They stand up and dance as they are told. They are obedient as if they were lean house dogs. How helpless and shameless they are.

Translated by へいはちろう


学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。

学問のすすめ 三編 段落五 駿河の人民は唯義元一人に依りすがり、その身は客分の積りにて、駿河の国を我本国と思う者なし

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落五でござる。







In the Sengoku period, when Imagawa Yoshimoto of Suruga invaded Owari with tens of thousands of troops, Oda Nobunaga of Owari ambushed them at Okehazama, assaulted the Imagawa headquarters and killed Yoshimoto. Then Imagawa troops routed without a fight and the prosperous Imagawa government fell without a trace in a short time.

Just a few years ago, in the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War, French Emperor Napoleon III was captured by Prussian troops. But French people didn’t give up, on the contrary, they roused themselves and fought at the risk of their lives. After some months siege, they concluded a peace with Prussia, but France survived as before.

Why did Imagawa and France reach different conclusions? All the people of Suruga depended on Yoshimoto, considered themselves as guests and nobody consider Suruga as their own country. On the other hand, France had a lot of patriotic people. They considered its problems as their own problems and fought for their country voluntarily. This is why they reached such different conclusions.

Therefore, when you defend your country from foreign threats, you can easily imagine that the people with the spirit of independence take their country to heart and the people without the spirit of independence don’t.

Translated by へいはちろう






学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。

学問のすすめ 三編 段落四 既にその権義あれば、亦随てその職分なかるべからず

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落四でござる。







Therefore, to defend our country from foreign threats; all Japanese people, both the upper class and the lower class, the wise and the fool, the fit and the disabled, must have the spirit of independence, consider its problems as one’s own problems and fulfill obligations of the people.

English people consider England as their own country and Japanese people consider Japan as their own country. Each country’s territory is not foreign people’s land. It is each country’s people’s land. So the people should consider their country as their own home and serve it at the risk of their life and property. This is how to serve the country.

It is no doubt that the government rules the country and the people are ruled by the government. However, it is only because they share their roles for the convenience of both side. So, to maintain the national honor, we must not just rely on the government and must not be bystanders.

Whether in Japan or in England, the people who have its nationality have the rights and freedom within the country. If you already have the rights, you must have obligations as well.

Translated by へいはちろう


おそらく当時の日本人でも、国民国家(nation-state) だの社会契約だのと難しい説明をするより、「国家とは言わば一つの大きな家族である」と説明した方が解りやすかったに違いない。それが良かったのか悪かったのか、結果として「報国の大義」は国中に満ちても、「自由独立の気風」は全国に充満する事はなかった点について、もしも福沢諭吉が知ったらどう思うのでござろうか。


学問のすすめの原文・現代語訳・英訳文をまとめて読みたい方は本サイトの 学問のすすめを英訳 をご覧くだされ。