学問のすすめ 三編 段落六 その一 内に居て独立の地位を得ざる者は、外に在て外国人に接するときも亦独立の権義を伸ること能わず

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落六 その一でござる。


第二条 国内で独立した地位を得る事ができない者は、国外で外国人と接する時にもまた独立の権利を主張する事はできない。




Article 2 – A person who cannot obtain the position of independence domestically also cannot claim the right of independence internationally.

A person who doesn’t have the spirit of independence certainly depends on others. A person who depends on others is certainly afraid of them. A person who is afraid of others certainly flatters them. A person who is always afraid of others and flatters them accustoms himself to do it little by little and comes to be shameless. He cannot say anything when he should say and can only bow to others. This is what is called, “Habit is second nature.” And you cannot mend your habits easily.

In Japan now, the common people are allowed to have their family name and to ride on horses. The courts’ treatment of them has changed and they are treated equally as samurais apparently. But their habits haven’t changed drastically. The common people’s nature is the same as before. Their speech and manners so humble that they cannot deliver an opinion in front of superiors. They stand up and dance as they are told. They are obedient as if they were lean house dogs. How helpless and shameless they are.

Translated by へいはちろう


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