学問のすすめ 三編 段落七 独立の気力なき者は、人に依頼して悪事を為すことあり

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落七でござる。


第三条 独立の気力を持たない者は、他人の力を借りて悪事を働く事もある。




Article 3 – A person who doesn’t have the spirit of independence may do wrong by taking advantage of another person’s authority.

While the shogunate ruled this country, some people were forcing unreasonable deals on others with the authority of powerful feudal lords, like the Three branches of the Tokugawa clan. They lent money by using another person’s name. It was very hateful deed. If there is someone who doesn’t pay back his debt, you should bring a lawsuit repeatedly. But they were too afraid of the shogunate to make a lawsuit. So they were forcing payback with another person’s name and its power. How cowardly they were. Today I don’t hear a story of such a thing. But I wonder if there is someone who uses foreign people’s name. I don’t have any evidence and cannot argue definitely. But when I recall the past, I cannot help suspecting.

In the future, if foreign people lived in Japan freely, someone would do wrong by taking advantage of their names. It should cause a national problem. So you should not let your guard down when the people don’t have the spirit of independence even if it is convenient for you. A problem always happens unexpectedly. The less the people have the spirit of independence, the more the people flatter foreign people and sell the country. This is what I said above, “To do wrong by taking advantage of another person’s authority.”

Translated by へいはちろう





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