学問のすすめ 三編 段落三 そのニ 国を守るの一段に至てはその人数甚だ少なく、迚も一国の独立は叶い難きなり

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落三 そのニでござる。






In a thousand people, there is only one person who has ability and virtue to rule a country. If there were a country with a million people, a thousand would be wise people and the other about nine hundred and ninety thousand would be ignorant people. If the wise people ruled the ignorant people with ability and virtue, loved them as if they were children, shepherd them as if they were sheep, threatened and tamed them, and led them; the ignorant people would obey the wise people without thinking, would not commit a crime and the country might be kept in peace.

But in this way, the people would be separated into hosts and guests. The hosts were the wise people and they would rule the country as they wished. The others were the guests who knew nothing. As guests, they would rely on hosts, would not take responsibility and would not care about the country’s matter as if it were none of their business.

Within the country, this might not be a problem. But If a war with a foreign country occurred, this should be a big problem. Although those ignorant people would not turn traitors, a lot of them would think guests didn’t need sacrifice their lives to the country and they would run away. If so, even though the country had a million people, there were a very few people who fought for the country and it could not maintain its independence.

Translated by へいはちろう




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学問のすすめ 三編 段落三 その一 独立の気力なき者は、国を思うこと深切ならず

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落三 その一でござる。


第一条 独立の気概を持たない者は、国家の事を真剣に考えない





Article 1 – A person who doesn’t have the spirit of independence doesn’t take his country to heart.

Independence is the state of controlling one’s own body and not relying on others. A person who can judge what is good or bad by himself has the spirit of independence from others’ wisdom. A person who can earn his living has the spirit of independence from others’ money.

If the people don’t have these spirit of independence and try to just rely on others, all the people become dependent and nobody takes responsibility. This is as if nobody led a parade of blind people and it is utterly inconvenient.

Someone said, “You can make people follow you. But it is difficult to make people understand the reason. If there are a thousand fools and a thousand wise people, the wise people should rule and control the fools.” This is a Confucius’ way, however, this is utterly wrong as a matter of fact.

Translated by へいはちろう

「民はこれに由らしむべし、これを知らしむべからず」は 論語の泰伯第八の九 にある言葉でござるな。論語の現代的な解釈はともかく、儒学というのは士大夫階層による民衆支配を説いたものでござるから、朱子学全盛の江戸時代では福沢諭吉が例に挙げたような考え方が一般的でござった。



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学問のすすめ 三編 段落二 国中の人民に独立の気力なきときは、一国独立の権義を伸ること能わず

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落二でござる。





As I said in the previous section, every country is equal. But if its people don’t have the spirit of independence, a country cannot fulfill its rights. There are three points on this matter.

Translated by へいはちろう




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学問のすすめ 三編 段落一 一身独立して一国独立す

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落一でござる。









Every country is equal.

All human beings, whether they are rich or poor, strong or weak, even the people and the government, have equal rights. I said so in the second chapter. Now I’m going to extend this and apply it to the relationship between countries.

A country consists of its people. Japan consists of Japanese people and England consists of English people. Both Japanese and English people live between the same heaven and earth, so they don’t have any reason to violate their rights each other. If one person must not harm another person, two people also must not harm other two people. This is the same even if the number is a million or a billion, and the reasons of things never change according to the number of people.

Now I look out over the world, some countries are civilized, strong and rich, others are uncivilized, weak and poor. In general, European and American countries are rich and strong, and Asian and African countries are poor and weak. These are only the state of countries and it is normal there are differences among countries. However, to take advantage of its strength to force weak countries is no different than that a strong sumo wrestler breaks weak ill person’s arm with his arm power. This is an unforgivable violation of countries’ rights.

Our Japan, is not as rich and strong as Western countries today. But it has the completely same rights as they have. If they try to force us unreasonably, we don’t have to be afraid of even all countries around the world. As I said in the third paragraph of the first chapter, all Japanese people should stand up for national prestige at the risk of our lives.

Moreover, the state of wealth, poverty, strength or weakness is not given from Heaven, and we can change it by our efforts. Like the fool today can be the wise tomorrow, rich and strong countries can be poor and weak in the future. There are many examples in the history. So from now on, we Japanese have to learn eagerly, have a strong will and be independent. And we don’t have to be afraid of Western countries at all. We can associate with reasonable countries and drive away unreasonable countries. This is what I say, “After each person becomes independent, a country can be independent.”

Translated by へいはちろう




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学問のすすめ 二編 段落六 その二 一国の暴政は必ずしも暴君暴吏の所為のみに非ず、その実は人民の無智を以て自から招く禍なり

学問のすすめの翻訳、二編 段落六 その二でござる。







However, there are the people who are ignorant and illiterate, and don’t know what is right and wrong. They know only eating and sleeping. Nevertheless, they are so greedy that they cheat others and elude the law. They cannot understand the importance of the national law and their obligations. Although they have a lot of children, they don’t know how to educate them. They are idiots who don’t have any dignity and don’t know what are laws. If their children prosper, they will not benefit the country at all, on the contrary, it is possible that they will be harmful to the country.

When you treat such idiots, you cannot use reasons that they cannot understand. You have no choice but to threaten them with force and avoid the calamity temporarily. And this is the reason there are oppressive governments in the world. This is not only the former shogunate in this country, but also all the other Asian countries from old times. So the tyranny in one country is not only its tyrant and bureaucrats’ fault, in fact, it is a calamity that was caused by its ignorant people themselves.

There are people who attempt an assassination by instigation, people who misunderstand a new law and start a riot, and people who break into the rich’s house, drink liquors and steal money. There is almost no humanity in their deeds. When you treat such outlaws, even Buddha and Confucius must not have a good idea. So there is no choice but to rule them severely.

So they say, “If the people want to avoid a tyranny, they must learn immediately, enhance their abilities and virtue, and gain their position as high as their government.” This is the main purpose of learning, that I am encouraging.

Translated by へいはちろう




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