





Recently. I bought a MP3 player on the internet. Just cheap one , not iPod or Network Walkman. It has 1GB memory and that’s enough for me.

then. I use this MP3 player to learn English by hearing audio books.

BUT, to buy audio books is difficult in Japan. There are few shops selling audio books and if it sells audio books , They are very expensive for me!!!

Not to waste my money . Please teach me good and interesting audio books . I dont wanna buy a boring one.





結局最初に「日本語 オア English?」と聞いてから話すようにしたんでござるが、もちろん両方通じない人もいてひさびさのジェスチャーでのコミニュケーションにタジタジになってしまうんでござる。


I went to Taiwan with my mom. dad and big sis,because of marriage of my sis next year.

BUT Taiwan is rough place for people who study English. Because some Taiwanese people can understand English or Japanse, more further,some people can understand both.

So I was troubled with choicing language when I speak to Taiwanese people.

and of course, most of the Taiwanese people cannot speake English or Japanese.

At that time, I did body language to communicate with them.

Sorry , Taiwanese people , I should have learned some Chinese. I could only use words “イ尓好 ” and ” 謝謝” What poor Chinese skills I have !! 対不起!! 





In Japanese, we have a proverb “Moroha-no-ken”,in English,”A double edged sword”, means a thing that have both good and bad sides.

By the way. Japanese swords are single edged.

Because Japanese swords are made to slash enemies to death by their extremely sharpened edge.

On the other hand.

Western double edged swords are made to chop enemies to death by their own weight.

Japanese swords are awesome!
I wanna have one, but regretly it’s illegal in Japan.
Of course they are arms to kill people.
But on the other hand, they are refined objects of art !