学問のすすめ 三編 段落六 そのニ 斯る臆病神の手下共が、彼の大胆不敵なる外国人に逢て、胆をぬかるゝは無理ならぬことなり

学問のすすめの翻訳、三編 段落六 そのニでござる。






Once, while Japan was isolated and the shogunate ruled the people tightly, the obedience of the people did not cause any problems. On the contrary, it was rather convenient for the shogunate. So the officials made the people ignorant and took advantage of their obedience. But Japan trades with foreign countries now and these things cause a big problem.

For instance, when a merchant from the country went to Yokohama in order to trade with foreign countries, he would be shocked by robust physique of foreign people, their money, the size of their office and the speed of their steamship, and he would be discouraged. Then when he did business with them, he would be shocked by their sharpness. If they pressured him unreasonably, he would be not only shocked but also frightened by their pressure and would accept the big loss with knowing it was unreasonable. It would humiliate him a lot.

This is not just one person’s loss, it’s a national loss. It is not just one person’s humiliation, it’s a national humiliation. You may think this is absurd. But the common people’s nature transmitted from generation to generation cannot change in a short time. Because they had been reproached by sumurais, scolded by the courts, they had been humble even to the lowest foot soldiers and their spirits have been rotten at the core. It is understandable that such coward people get frightened by bold foreign people. This is the proof that a person who cannot obtain the position of independence domestically also cannot claim the right of independence internationally.

Translated by へいはちろう




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