学問のすすめ 二編 段落二 その二 権理に至ては地頭も百姓も厘毛の軽重あることなし

学問のすすめの翻訳、二編 段落二 その二でござる。







When Heaven created people, everyone was given functions of body and mind to fulfill these rights. So we must not violate the rights, no matter what. Feudal lords’ and manual workers’ lives have the same value. A wealthy merchant makes much of his one million and a candy seller makes much of his five cents, they have the same feelings to care their property.

There are bad proverbs, they say “You cannot win against a crying baby and a liege lord.” or “Parents and lords speak nonsense and you have to obey.” Some people use these proverbs and insist that human rights can be taken away. But they are confusing people’s status and human rights.

A liege lord and a peasant have different statuses, but they have the same rights. A thing that a peasant feels pain, is a thing that a liege lord also feels pain. A food that a liege lord tastes sweet, is a food that a peasant also tastes sweet. It is natural that they avoid pains and want sweets. So it is a human right that people acquire their desires, without bothering others. From the point of view of this right, a liege lord and a peasant are the completely same. A liege lord is only wealthy and strong, and a peasant is only poor and weak.

Wealth and poverty, strength and weakness are statuses and people are not the same from the point of this view. But if you force poor and weak people with your wealth and strength, it is a violation of rights by taking advantage of the difference of statuses, isn’t it? This is, so to speak, a sumo wrestler breaks his next person’s arm with his arm power. Of course, this next person is weaker than a sumo wrestler. But he could have used his weak arms and acquired his desires. It is a disaster to be broken one’s arm by a sumo wrestler without any reason.

Translated by へいはちろう





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