学問のすすめ 初編 段落三 その一 学問するには分限を知る事肝要なり

学問のすすめの翻訳、初編 段落三 その一でござる。








It is important to know obligations when you learn. When you were born, you were not restricted by anyone. As a man or a woman, everyone is free. But if you don’t know that you also have obligations, you will become selfish. The obligations are, that you have to be based on Heaven’s reason, follow humanity, and obtain your freedom without bothering others.

The border between freedom and selfishness is whether you bother others or not. Perhaps you think it is your freedom to indulge in debauchery and waste your own money. But it is wrong. If you did such a thing, others would imitate you, then they would corrupt public morals and obstruct the civilization of the people. So you don’t have the right to do such a thing even if you have money.

Freedom and Independence are not only for individuals but also for nations. Japan is an island country of east Asia, and had been isolated and self-sufficient from old times. But in the Kaei period (1848-1854), Americans came to Japan and began trade with us. Even after the opening of the country, many people were advocating isolationism and exclusionism. But they were just narrow-minded, as the proverb says “The frog in the well doesn’t know the ocean.” We don’t have to listen to such people.

Japan and Western countries are between the same Heaven and Earth, bask in the same sun, look up the same moon, and share oceans and the atmosphere. As human beings we can understand each other. So we should give them our surplus and get their surplus, teach and learn each other. We don’t have to be ashamed or arrogant. We should cooperate with them and pray for them each other, associate with them by following Heaven’s reason and humanity, yield to even black slaves if they have reasonable grounds, and not yield to even English or American battle ships if they are against humanity. If they dishonored our country, all Japanese people should stand up for national prestige at the risk of our lives. This is the national freedom and independence.

Chinese people are arrogant as if there were no other countries. They call foreign people “barbarians” and look down them as if they were not human being. They don’t understand their national strength and are trying to get rid of foreign people. But they are suffered from foreign people by contraries. They don’t know their place. In other words for individuals, they misunderstand their freedom and have been selfish.

Translated by へいはちろう





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