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Wikipedia「Genpei War(源平の合戦)」をちょんまげ翻訳


Wikipedia「Genpei War」

The Genpei Wars (源平合戦, Genpei kassen, Genpei gassen) (1180-1185) were a conflict between the Taira and Minamoto clans in late-Heian period Japan. They resulted in the fall of the Taira clan and establishment of the Kamakura shogunate under Minamoto Yoritomo in 1192.

The name “Genpei” (pronounced and sometimes written as Gempei) comes from alternate readings of the kanji ‘Minamoto’ (源) and ‘Taira’ (平). The conflict is also known in Japanese as the Jisho-Juei War (治承・寿永の乱,), after the two eras in which it took place.

It began with Minamoto support for a different candidate to take the throne, in conflict with the Taira’s nomination. The ensuing Battle of Uji took place just outside Kyoto, starting a five-year long war, concluding with a decisive Minamoto victory in the naval Battle of Dan-no-ura.

原文 2006年11月30日現在 Wikipedia「Genpei War」

源平合戦(Genpei kassen)は、平安末期(1180年から1185)起こった平氏と源氏の権力闘争の事で最終的には平氏の没落と1192年の源頼朝による鎌倉幕府の開府と言う形で終焉を迎えたのでござる



和訳 Translated by へいはちろう



Wikipedia「Taika Reform(大化の改新)」をちょんまげ翻訳

Wikipedia 「Taika Reform」

The Taika Reforms (大化の改新, Taika no Kaishin) were a set of doctrines established by Emperor Kōtoku in the year 646. They were written shortly after the death of Shōtoku Taishi, and the defeat of the Soga clan, which united Japan. Crown Prince Naka no Ōe (who would later reign as Emperor Tenji), Nakatomi no Kamatari, and Emperor Kōtoku jointly embarked on the details of the Reforms. Emperor Kōtoku then took the name “Taika” (大化), or “Great Reform”.

The Reform began with land reform, based on Confucian ideas and philosophies from China, but the true aim of the reforms was to bring about greater centralization and to enhance the power of the imperial court, which was also based on the governmental structure of China. Envoys and students were dispatched to China to learn seemingly everything from the Chinese writing system, religion, literature, and architecture, to even dietary habits at this time. Even today, the impact of the reforms can still be seen in Japanese cultural life.

原文 2006年11月27日現在 Wikipedia 「Taika Reform」




和訳 Translated by へいはちろう





Wikipedia 「Komuso」

A komusō (Japanese kanji: 虚無僧; Hiragana こむそう) was a mendicant priest of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism. They were characterised by their wearing of a straw basket hiding their head (a sedge or reed hood named a tengai), and playing of a shakuhachi (the Japanese bamboo flute) for meditation (the suizen).

Komusō practiced suizen (“blowing Zen”) meditation, playing solo shakuhachi pieces called honkyoku (“original pieces”) for alms and enlightenment.
原文 2006年11月26日 Wikipedia 「Komuso」



和訳 Translated by へいはちろう




Wikipedia 「Bushido」

Bushido (武士道, Bushidō), meaning “way of the warrior”, is a Japanese code of conduct and a way of life, loosely analogous to the European concept of chivalry. Bushido developed between the 11th to 14th centuries as set forth by numerous translated documents dating from the 12th to 16th centuries (as mentioned below). According to the Japanese dictionary Shogakukan Kokugo Daijiten, “Bushido is defined as a unique philosophy (ronri) that spread through the warrior class from the Muromachi (chusei) period.”

The core tenets of Bushido date from as early as the 12th century as demonstrated by the earliest translations of Japanese literature and warrior house codes. Under the Tokugawa Shogunate, Bushido became formalized into Japanese Feudal Law.

Inazo Nitobe, in his book Bushido: The Soul of Japan, described it in this way. “…Bushido, then, is the code of moral principles which the samurai were required or instructed to observe… More frequently it is a code unuttered and unwritten… It was an organic growth of decades and centuries of military career.”

原文 2006年11月25日現在 Wikipedia 「Bushido」






和訳 Translated by へいはちろう




Wikipedia Samurai




Samurai (侍, Samurai or, more rarely, 士) was a term for the military nobility in pre-industrial Japan. The word ‘samurai’ is derived from the archaic Japanese verb ‘samorau’, changed to ‘saburau’ , meaning ‘to serve’; a samurai is the servant of a lord.

原文 2006年11月20日現在 Wikipedia 「Samurai」

和訳 Translated by へいはちろう
