学問のすすめ 四編 段落二 都て物を維持するには力の平均なかるべからず

学問のすすめの翻訳、四編 段落二でござる。





In order to maintain something, the equilibrium of power is indispensable. For example, in order to maintain a human body healthy, you have to eat and drink and you need atmosphere and solar rays. Internal vitality reacts to external stimuli such as hotness, coldness, pain and itch so that you can maintain functions of your body. If you cut off all external stimuli and leave internal vitality alone, you cannot maintain your body healthy even for a day.

The same goes for a country. Politics is a function of a country. In order to adjust the function and maintain the independence of a country, you need the equilibrium of power between the government and the people and their cooperation. In this case, the government is like internal vitality and the people is like external stimuli. If you cut off these stimuli and leave the government alone, you cannot maintain the independence of your country even for a day. If you have the knowledge of human physiology and apply its law to the management of a country, you must not doubt this theory.

Translated by へいはちろう



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